How It All Started

It is with great joy that I welcome you to Natural Sprinkles Co. This entire business was just a dream that kept shaping itself throughout the years of raising our family. It truly would have never come to life without the strong faith and brave heart of my husband pushing me to see it to life.

We have always been a healthy family for as long as I can remember. Being a Navy family we have been blessed to try new foods, and lifestyles. In 2013 my love for food brought me to Escoffier Culinary Academy, in that time I developed and sharpened skills while finding my baking style. I went on to build good friendships and bake with some amazing talent at Ellen Jay’s sweet shop, in Mobile Alabama. Soon after Ellen Jay’s, I felt this pull on my heart to blend my love of small things from the dental world I once belonged to, and the new world of sweets. So in May of 2015, we took the leap of faith and Natural Sprinkles Co. came to life. A dream formed from hundreds of ideas, tiny pieces of scratch paper, and the desire to do GLOBAL GOOD.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to visit Natural Sprinkles Co. We love hearing your ideas and how we can be better!